About QTM Online


to queer:

“…to put out of order, to make strange the taken-for-granted, the naturalised”.

Sullivan, 2003


    • -> To unsettle the traditional relationships between museums, objects, people, communities and stories, and to disrupt the so-called
      definitive answers and the systems of power and privilege they support.

    • -> To demonstrate that objects have no inherent meaning, but become meaningful through their connections with people, places,
      usage, ideas.

    • -> To question what we think we know and how we know it.

    • -> To engage in the co-production of knowledge with our audiences, in particular those who may never have been asked to share
      what they know or what they have experienced.

    • -> To share authority and to acknowledge the authority embedded in lived experience.

    • -> To promote creative engagement with our collections, beyond the walls of the museum.

  • -> To give our collections new life.


The term ‘queering’ as a verb comes from a form of critique and activism developed and driven by LGBTQI+ scholars and communities. It is a way of
troubling what we have come to know as ‘common knowledge’. The term is no longer tethered only to LGBTQI+: it has become a useful tool for opening
up ideas about race, religion, class, dis/ability, normalcy, etc. This makes room for stories that have been largely absent from the giant story of human
endeavour throughout our world.